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SAP and the automotive industry – how to use the system to help your business grow?


The automotive industry is continuously evolving with the rapid technological advancements and the increasing demand for efficient, connected, and smart vehicles. That’s why the manufacturers need powerful tools to improve process efficiency and enhance customer experience. These conditions are covered by SAP, which provides functional solutions for companies in the automotive industry. In addition to improving efficiency, the effect of implementing the system is to optimize costs and facilitate the management of business operations.

SAP – streamline automotive supply chain operations

Did you know that SAP can integrate processes involving suppliers, manufacturers, and customers, which significantly streamlines supply chain operations and contributes to cost optimization? The system gathers all the necessary information in one place, which significantly improves all the activities undertaken in the company and avoids mistakes.  It also helps in making better production, procurement and logistics decisions by forecasting demand.

SAP for automotive allows you to track status in supply chains in real time. It improves the quality of collaboration between suppliers and vendors as well. With innovative solutions, you can accurately calculate costs for raw materials and manufactured parts. According to Hicron specialists, the system meets the needs of the automotive industry and supports the sustainable development of companies in this sector.

SAP – enhance customer relationship

SAP helps automotive companies establish strong, long-lasting relationships with their customers. With the ability to analyze customer preferences, purchase history and socioeconomic parameters, it makes it easier to create personalized marketing campaigns and hit consumer expectations.

With the system, you will build commitment and gain the trust of your customers. It is also a guarantee of intelligent after-sales service. This is because the available solutions support the management of service requests, warranty claims and client inquiries, which leads to increased satisfaction and loyalty to the vendor.

SAP – design innovative products and services

SAP makes it easier to bring innovative products and services to market. This is all thanks to its collaborative, integrated and flexible product development, insightful market analysis and vehicle engineering simulations. According to the research, up to 79% of automotive companies believe that based on collecting and analyzing vehicle data, predicting performance in design, service delivery, safety and operations is essential, but only 20% are able to do so. SAP is meeting their needs and helping them grow.

Thinking about digital transformation in your automotive company? Want to learn more about SAP, its modules and operation?  Or maybe you are already using the system, but need answers to specific questions about using it, such as how to add favorites in SAP? Look for a trusted advisor who will share their knowledge and experience with you and guide you through the implementation process. This is undoubtedly a big step towards growing your automotive business.

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