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How to Avoid Hidden Fees with Dumpster Rentals: What to Look Out For

How to Avoid Hidden Fees with Dumpster Rentals

There is more to Phoenix dumpster rentals than simply choosing a container and paying for it; there may be costs attached to the service that you are not aware of. Surprisingly, sometimes, what appears to be a simple fee can come with extra charges which may not be well defined at first. To assist you to avoid blowing your budget while renting a dumpster, there are things you should consider before signing the contract.

The cost of renting a dumpster will depend on factors such as the size and capacity of the dumpster, the period of the rental, and the type of waste that will be disposed of. Below are some ways that you can manage to get through the renting process carefully and avoid extra charges.

Identify All Potential Fees

The first measure toward avoiding extra fees is familiarizing yourself with all the likely charges that may be incurred within the rental agreement. Generally, the quoted price will cover the basics: The dumpster rental, the size of the dumpster, weight restrictions, and rental duration all come under standard features. But extra charges may also be incurred depending on the allowance on weight, duration of the rental period or type of waste to dispose of. Be sure to clarify when they tell you about all possible extra fees when you rent a dumpster Phoenix.

Check for Permit Requirements

In Phoenix, locating the dumpster on public domain like the streets or a sidewalk might need the permission of the city. This permit has its own cost and if not in place when required, you are liable to part with a lot of money. Contact your local authorities or the rental company to determine the need for a permit and consider it in your budget calculation.

Understand Overweight Charges

Another one of those mysterious fees that sneak up on you when you rent a dumpster Phoenix comes with charges for going over the company’s weight restrictions. It is important to know how heavy your debris is and make sure it doesn’t exceed the allowed amount. If you are not very sure, then it is advisable to take a bigger dumpster, just in case you end up being charged for going over the dumpster size limit.

Ask About the Duration of the Rental and Any Additional Costs to Renew

It is common for the standard rental time to be a week, although this can be flexible. It is a good idea to learn the various charges that may come with an agreement to extend the period of the rental. If you feel that you will require the dumpster for an extended period of time, inform the rental company about that earlier. Many rental firms may provide a lower rate if you rent a dumpster Phoenix for a longer duration, so it’s advisable to bargain early so you get a higher chance of getting lower prices.

Avoid Prohibited Items Fees

Every rental company has regulations concerning what can and cannot be put in the dumpster. Examples of unlawful objects are flammable items such as paint, toxic substances, chemicals and non-recyclable items like batteries. To avoid fines, it is best to dispose of such materials in the right manner. Never fail to request a list of restricted items and throw them in the appropriate places in order not to be charged.

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